July 01, 2006

The Thai Islands: Ko Samui, Ko Pha Ngang, and Ko Tao

After all this travelling Uli and I were really looking forward for the relaxing beach-sea-palmtree-party atmosphere on the islands in south-eastern Thailand. We did have a great time and some nice accommodation, too, almost luxury considering a backpacker that has a pool. The most time we spent on Ko Pha Ngang where we met some Canadian and English guys with whome we played beachvolleyball every day. On the first day I did well, however, my body was hurting for the rest of the stay. Arms were sore, my toes swallen, my knees got some wounds (and hey, Uli also turned into a crippl :) but now we are fine again. The rest of the time we just relaxed, read books, wrote postcards, watched some soccer games on big screens set up on the beach, and had some fun. On Ko Tao I extended my diving skills I first achieved on Bali. I did the Open Diver Advance Course and did five dives. One went down to 30 Meters and another one was during the night. A torch led your way and it was real fun to wake up the fishes :) During another dive I lost my left fin because some 20 cm fish would not let me alone and suck onto my legs. So I got a little bit nervous, started panicking and kicking around, and yeah lost my fin because of this small "sucker". Please do not tell anybody this story or otherwise the people might think I am this "whiner" sort of kind *g* We really enjoyed the islands, met lots of people and ended our Thailand experience with the success of the German team of Argentina. Iam sure we win the tournament by now. Who are the Italians?!?!? Tonight in about three hours our nighttrain to Malaysia, Georgetown, is leaving and takes about 14,5 hours. Let's see what Malaysia has to offer?!

1 comment:

malena said...

hallihallo ihr 2!!

na dann mal noch ganz ganz ganz viel spaß in den letzten paar wochen die ihr beide noch zusammen verbringen werdet.

haut rein und dir jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn, VIEL SPAß auf bali!!

küsse von niiiiiiiiinnnnaaaaa